The Power Of The Harvest

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When I left Los Angeles and moved to TN a year and 9 months ago, I was full of excitement! I knew we were being called here to this new place and I was ready to answer that call that had been placed on our hearts. We had been talking, thinking, praying, visioning about what we were being called to create in our lives and in our family for almost 4 years before we made that move.

In that 4 years, so much had occurred in my life and in the work I was put on this earth to do. The work had evolved so much since the day I began the journey back to myself and my purpose and I was learning so much about listening, about asking what I was being called to next and dipping into courage as much as I could in order to do the next right thing.

One of those really important moments of clarity came after my dear friend Leah died. It brought grief and sadness to lose such a bright light in my life and a light to so many others. It also awoke something in me that would again lead me to the next part of my own journey.

I began to claim within myself my own gifts of connecting, leading, creating and holding space for women. Leah did these things and did them with such grace in every facet of her life as a community organizer, mother to 4, friend and confidant to countless women and families. She was an encourager, a welcomer, a true giver and real.

I looked around me after she left us and saw women in need, women hurting, women coming together to mourn, women supporting one another and women needing a place to be. To be who they were, share their stories, their hearts, their voices.

This was the call I felt to step into my leader, my connector, my realness, my gifts. I realized I was already doing this and had done this in many ways already, but this felt like a new assignment.

This is where my first women’s circle, Soul Sessions, was born. The desire was born much earlier, years earlier in fact, but Leah’s passing brought forth an urgency in me when I saw the need for this kind of space so desperately right in front of me.

That circle went on for 3 years as a place to share celebrations and struggles, be real, be connected and supported in a safe, sacred sisterhood.

I was indeed blessed by the women who showed up to this space. From what these women who showed up have shared with me, I know their hearts were opened and lifted and their lives grew from this space as well.

When I got to TN, there was so much newness, so much transition, so much was unearthed for our boys that called to my attention and I felt a sense of loss to have left this special circle behind.

I played with trying to bring it online, but that didn’t feel in alignment. It felt like holding on too tight to something that was ready to be let go of, but I didn’t feel ready to let go of. I was fighting against letting things unfold as they would and trust that what was coming next would be revealed.

The women who were in that circle remain some of my greatest soul sisters to this day. But something inside felt a loss.

It took some time, but I was able to ease in and lean in to what I was being called to show up for next and slowly began to loosen my grip on what I had known.

What I hadn't really allowed time for, or given the space it needed, was to harvest.

I needed to harvest, to sift and to honor and notice and pour out gratitude for what this circle had created in my life and in the lives of others.


Harvesting, allows you to sift, to take what grows from the crop and sift out what needs to be discarded or cleared.

You could call this practicing gratitude, which it is.

However, in this case, it’s practicing gratitude with another purpose and that purpose is to honor and also to close what was in its previous form. In this closing and honoring, it opens up new space for what new seeds want to be planted and what you will harvest next.

If you don’t give thanks, assess what grew from that crop and celebrate what was harvested, and close out what wasyou can’t fully open yourself up to what’s next.

I want you to be aware that this is important in your own life, so you can create that space for new seeds, for what your next harvest will be.

It’s nothing less than magical what this practice and intentionality can bring into your life.

For me, I began to listen again. I heard this. I had not energetically honored and harvested and closed that first circle and I was now so fully aware that that is what needed to happen in order for me to open up to what wanted to be planted next.

After I spent some time harvesting this special time in circle with these precious women, I began to ask myself what Soul Sessions wanted to be now. I got clear. I heard and I claimed this new vision.

In doing this, what has happened is space has now opened for new collaborators, new relationships and new bridges being built of women who desire to hold these safe and sacred spaces as well. Life is literally handing me what I asked for.

This is the power of the harvest. The giving thanks, the honoring, the sifting, and the closing.

It allows for the next crop, the next iteration of your business, the next relationship, the next passion project.

What are you aware of in your life that needs to be harvested to clear a way for what you are being called to?

I want to hear from you dear woman. 


The 10 year challenge…Celebrating a Decade.


Create and live a courageous life