Create and live a courageous life

We recently began a program with our son Ben with the intention to stimulate the left and right sides of his brain to help him with processing. When both sides of our brains have trouble communicating there can be disconnect or delays or many other challenges.

Almost like a gym for the brain.

It’s fascinating what exercising both sides of the brain can look like and produce. Both sides have a specific function and if one side is not fully engaged, the other side can over compensate or even be more heightened in it’s ability to do things it otherwise wouldn’t have access to.

Kind of like, if you tied your right hand behind your back and had to do everything with your left hand, eventually your left hand would become stronger.

This made me look at the parallels I’m exploring with my business mastermind lately. The masculine energy of doing and taking action with the feminine energy of asking and receiving, connecting in to your intuition, surrendering to what is coming through and receiving guidance.

Both are equally as important.

I have lived in the feminine for most of my life. I’m an intuitive, highly sensitive to my surroundings and the emotional and spiritual world and often sense things before they happen.

I find getting still and asking for guidance challenging, but also crucial to my ability to live, lead and be in this world.

However the masculine energy of action was sometimes not equally as valued in my life.

It’s not that I don’t take action or get things done, I do. However sometimes it felt harder to take action, or more challenging, and I had to understand why to be able to create a new experience.

I realized through some personal assessments and deep unearthing in breathwork I’ve been on this past year, that there were people in my life who meant a great deal to me, that I had perceived held me incapable. I witnessed role models who held themselves as incapable and I made meaning about myself through all of this.

There is no blame here, only discovery. Awareness is the first and most important step to understanding why we are stuck so we can move through it.

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When I realized where I had perceived others as holding me incapable, I was able to see where I had held myself incapable. Where I was sinking into victim mode, or feeling the need to have someone else come along and save me, help me in order to create this thing I felt called to create.

In this personal work, It was brought into my awareness that this was a pattern that was happening and that I was ready and totally capable of now deciding and choosing to hold myself as capable.

I’m not talking about not asking for support where you need it. Asking for support is another crucial piece of the puzzle to create and live a courageous life.

In creating and living a courageous life, you hold yourself as capable AND know the areas where you can and need to ask for help.

It’s another thing entirely to believe you are incapable of making or creating something you desire.

See the difference?

It’s an inner shift at the level of belief.

That is where you create big shifts, the shifts that create actual transformation in your life.

I have a women’s gathering coming up called Soul Sessions that I have facilitated now in different forms for going on four years.

In Soul Sessions we focus on creating space and receiving so you can live and give from the overflow in your life. You leave filled up and inspired so you can take intentional action.

Honoring both the masculine and feminine energies of receiving and doing.

What women have shared with me after attending Soul Sessions is how they feel different, look at their lives in a new way, love themselves better, and feel less alone in this big, beautiful messy experience called life.

My intention is to create a safe place for you to connect to yourself and to others women in supportive sisterhood. This is a place for you to know yourself, love yourself and BE yourself.

If you are local to Franklin check out the events on my webpage to learn more and register.


The Power Of The Harvest


Which part of you is calling out to be heard?