What is your intention for 2020?

There is so much power and purpose in intention.

As you close out this year and head into the new one and into a new DECADE, I invite you to set some powerful intentions.

Intentions are different than goals. The feeling of setting goals can sometimes feel like pressure to perform, which can set us up for judgement if not reached in a certain amount of time.

Intentions to me are even more powerful because you are claiming and choosing to set your vision, your focus, your energy towards what is most important for you at this time in your life or that which you are being called to.

Even more powerful…give it that one word.

Your word for this year.

Let that be your GPS my friend. Let it be your north star.

Give yourself some space to do this ritual to begin.

  1. Look back over 2019 and write down the milestones, the celebrations, the wins, the losses, the parts of life that were defining for you.

  2. Celebrate what you accomplished and write down the lessons learned.

  3. Notice what you desire to leave behind with the closing year. What can you let go of?

  4. What do you desire or feel called to really step into as this new year arrives? What do you want to CLAIM as your sacred intention. In a WORD, what would that be?


Take this word and put it somewhere you will see it all year. Will it go on a vision board as a visual anchor? Will you write it on post-it to go on your mirror or computer?

Let your heart be guided by this intention and trust that this powerful commitment to put your focus on this intention will be one of the most powerful ways you will be able to birth what is next for you.

I believe you have a great soul assignment and a divine soul purpose.. I hope that this allows you to see, feel, hear, know and trust this purpose will be revealed. What is required is deep trust and courage.

What will your intention be this year my dear soul sister?

Please share so I can hold that intention for you as well!

Thank you for being a woman who cares, loves, and feels deeply. Thank you for showing up to your great soul assignment. Thank you for taking risks and walking through the pain so others can too.

Thank you for saying YES to the desires of your heart, even when it’s scary or brings pain to the surface. Thank you for being a woman on this planet who knows she is meant for more and gathers the courage to say YES to what she is being called to deepen into.

I love you!

Best wishes for moments of joy, peace this holiday and beyond.


Letting go...


The 10 year challenge…Celebrating a Decade.