What does your soul want more of?

Happy Happy Summer!

This summer has been the most fun I can remember in a long time. Maybe because after a very complex year, it is SO needed and therefore a huge priority to PLAY! But here’s the thing. It’s also been so pleasurable because of the structures I created for me and the kids to be able to jump in and PLAY!

You may hear me talk about this a lot, but it’s SO important and life changing, I can’t not talk about it.

It’s that, in order to be and feel free, lit up, and full, our minds and bodies need to know they can dive right in. That all the sides of the pool are there to hold them ( I mentioned last month) that all the bases are covered, so they can relax and allow themselves to be fully immersed in the moment, the experience.

It’s why when I hold a retreat, I make sure every detail is ready and prepared for each woman’s arrival, physically, spiritually and emotionally, so when she steps foot on that land, she knows she is held and can relax and let go and FEEL the freedom and love in that holding.

YOU can create that feeling too in your daily life. It just takes knowing how you want to feel and making sure you create sacred boundaries and structures to allow this to be, which yes, includes calling in support systems when needed and getting creative about that piece!


Summer Solstice was just here and we’ve ushered in this new season. What do you desire? Do you feel your heart tugging at you? What does your body want/need right now? Where have your thoughts been going most often lately? HOW DO YOU WANT TO FEEL? What does your soul want more of? Just start there.

JOURNAL: Pour your heart out on the page with the above questions.

MOVE: After you have let your mind and heart speak, I invite you to move. Let the messages that came through integrate, percolate, travel through as you feel all the emotions that may come up too. Get into your BODY. Whether you move by taking a walk, or just stand up in your space, put on music you love and allow your body to show you how it wants to move, just move. 

TRUTH: What is something that came up for you that you desire during this process? I invite you to speak it and write it down.  Allow it to be your mantra for this season. Keep saying it as you move or breathe deeply with this truth. You can phrase your truth as if it’s already happening. One of mine is “I am safe and I am loved” and “I am so lit up to create beautiful things today!” Be with your truth consistently! Daily! That’s the truly magical piece that will make this truth come alive in you!

What does this look like in a practical way and allow for in your life?

A couple of months ago, I felt an energy leak in my life. I had to really be in this process for myself because something was feeling off. I’ve done this enough and teach this to my clients, so I paused, and took a look inside.

I realized some structures I had in place had become structures that were actually out of alignment for me now, not because they were wrong or bad, just expired, if you will. Like out of date on the milk carton kind of expired. :) They just were no longer supporting my new desires of more pleasure, play and creative space! Those things are just as important as the “doing.”

So, I did some restructuring, clearing out and setting up new structures and boundaries that looked like this:

  • Creating a day each week for only logistical pieces, office/school/meal planning/doctors appts.

  • Blocking out my calendar one week a month for ONLY creative development in my biz.

  • Knocking out a new budget and biz plan ( this is NOT my jam, but I did it because I know how much ease this will create in my life to have more of what I do want AND I got support with this part, because it is SO not my zone of genius and makes my brain want to shut down!)

  • Support structures- looked at where I need support in my biz and family life that I could put in place and did it.

  • Scheduled all the kids appts. And my self care/body work appts. for the rest of the year.

You get the idea! I used to RESIST all of this structure! I thought it took me OUT of my creative flow, where I SO love to live, but it actually INCREASED my creative flow and JOY because my body and mind could relax within the container I had created to hold me. It felt like a deep breath and my whole body and energy shifted into CREATIVE ENERGY, PLAY and JOY!

I’m even doing a whole mini burst of JOY series this summer! Ha! So I guess it’s working!

I would love to know if this spoke to you in any way or if you need support with any of these pieces. I know resistance well and I lead my clients through it every day. If you are feeling resistant to creating structure, resistant to being in PLAY or anything else, first know, that is a sign you are ready to grow or that perhaps you have a deep belief that is standing directly in opposition to what you really desire to feel and blocking you from having it or keeping you in an old pattern that you can’t get out of.

Instead of judging yourself, I invite you to begin to view the resistance as a messenger. What does it have to tell you about yourself? About what you truly want? And if you need support, you know I’m here for YOU! Let’s walk through it and find out together!

AND I can’t close this email without inviting you to join me in the Unleashing JOY mini series. Come get 10 minute bursts of JOY this summer from some incredible women I know you will LOVE who are prioritizing JOY and will share their JOY tools with us!  They will be recorded via Zoom and uploaded to Instagram, so you can catch them anytime, just make sure you join me there, @lifewithlauralee.

I will also be sharing more about the upcoming JOY retreat coming to Nashville this October! Registration is OPEN in JULY and AUGUST to claim your spot in this magical experience! Did I say PLAY? Why yes I did. We will be immersed in play as we embody JOY and I can’t wait! You can go here to find out more!

AND here’s the thing. I KNOW this retreat will be magical and insanely life changing already because every magical detail has been divinely guided, from the way I discovered the property to the exact people that I’ve met who are pouring into this experience to make it exactly what you need, have shown up! Dots have been connected around this retreat in so many ways and communities are being created along the way! Divinely guided in every way.

OK dear beloved,

Here’s to setting boundaries that will support your JOY and so much more magic in your life!

I love you!



The Unleashing Joy Series feat. Juliana Ericson


The JOY of boundaries