How will you finish well, connect well, love well?


So many thoughts and emotions swirl through my mind and my body, as we approach the day that we drive away from our home of 20 years and into a new chapter in a new place and our new home.

There have been days where I’ve been full of energy, packing like mad and getting so much done, and there have been days where I just can’t move and I feel frozen as I stare at all that still needs to be done.

I feel myself craving the slower pace of life that nature naturally provides by giving us winter, to go within and reflect from this place.

However, I’m in a place of great motion with this move and so much needs to be done.

In this situation, as in all situations, it’s provided me a place of learning that I can, no matter what might be happening in my life, still create this time of slowing down and reflection, amidst the chaos of my life.

In this reminder, comes the knowing that life will always provide times of chaos, sometimes in the form of literal wildfires that surround us, as we have experienced here in southern CA this week, or sometimes the wildfires in our lives that show up in the form of stress, to-do’s and “should’s”.  I know I can get caught up here, or I can create a center of calm that will provide the solid foundation from which I can respond to all of what comes my way.

I can decide what’s most important and focus my energies there, allowing it all to still get done.


Mostly, I feel such a surge of love for my community and the friends that have surrounded us during this transition.

There is something special that happens in times of great change, and that is the realization of those around you and how much their lives have touched your own.

More often than not, most days I have prioritized a walk with a friend, a coffee date, a family meal, a check in, a group playdate for the kiddos, or an adventure that we have been putting off, due to real life to-do’s.

Most days, there have been boxes sitting empty waiting to be packed. 🙂

I know in my heart of hearts that connections in this life and creating and nurturing these connections is what truly feeds my soul and reminds me what life is about.

What this time in my life is really teaching me is that finishing well, loving well, connecting well, those are the pieces that fuel a life of joy – of realness – that I think we all so greatly desire.

I know that in our culture, it often flips. We prioritize the “get it done or else” energy to manage it all ourselves, but if we intentionally flip it upside down to connect with what is most important, our relationships, ourselves and our spiritual source of strength, the rest of life begins to flow along with this intention.

So in these last few weeks of December, my intention is to finish well. To reflect on all that has transpired over this last year.

My intention is to connect with all the emotions that swirl within, noticing them and embracing them all.

My intention is to connect well with the people who touch my life daily in community here in this place. To not say goodbye, but to acknowledge the closing of one chapter and the beginnings of another, just as sweet.

My intention is to guide my kiddos to finish well, in their work, with their friendships, and continue to embrace all of their emotions about leaving this home for a new one.

My intention is to not do it all on my own. To plug in every day to my greatest source of love and strength and begin each day with massive gratitude.

My intention is to the best of my ability, to feed my body the things I know will give me the most energy and practice devotion to self-care, so I can show up for those I love and for myself.

My intention is to connect and share this journey because I know by doing so it will allow other women to embrace their unique journey, and know they are not alone.

My intention is to continue to create a vision for 2018 that brings healing and awakening to the lives of the women I serve.

What intentions will you set that allow you to connect well, love well and finish well in these last few weeks of the year?

Hit reply and share them with me!

Sending so much love to you all!


I’ll never forget this moment 9 years ago…


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